A current affair online dating

Dating > A current affair online dating

The scandal has rocked Channel 9, which was raided by police yesterday, but it is not the first time the reporter has made the headlines. Nine Network reporter Ben McCormack is released from Redfern police station yesterday after being charged with sending child pornography material. He was the first journalist to confront Hey Dad! The report turned out to be inaccurate. Ben McCormack on adfair for A Current Affair. Sunrise hosts Mel Doyle and David Koch are stunned as Ben McCormack leads a protest claiming that Channel 7 withheld money from contestants on its game show National Bingo Night. Source: Supplied A security guard obstructed McCormack, while Mel curreng Kochie were rushed back into the studio. McCormack also attracted controversy in 2011 for his part in a fierce ratings war with Channel 7 rival Today Tonight for the story behind a viral YouTube video showing a teenager body-slam a bully in an Aussie school ground. A Current Affair journalist Ben McCormack on air. When not on air, he is a.

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